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successoverallthings: Chinese symbol for “faith”
Successoverallthings: Kaley Cuoco Aka Penny Omg She Is Perfect
Iconsblood: Kaley Cuoco! Se Pegar, Reblogue E Não Esqueça Dos Créditos ;)
Darkdhreadsdelights: Kaley Cuoco….
Let's Be Weird
Whyaminotmarriedtoyou: Kaley Cuoco [X]
Anglophilewayfarer: Goosebumps.
Purrbunny: Chillen Wit Tha Homiez
Purrbunny: Mum Dyed My Hair Blonder!:)
Purrbunny: If I Was A Mermaid, I’d Want A Lavender Tail Tbh
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