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A Xena and Gabrielle pictured inspired from the scene in Glee’s “Sexy” episode with Santana and Brittney. :‘C Brittana better happen. yo.
Was I The Only One Who Thought It Looked Like One? Xd So I Drew This One Up. Everyone Knew These Two Had To Clean Each Other Up. ;D
Ok, Xena Did Change Some, But I Think Gab&Amp;Rsquo;S Changes Were More Noticeable. Heh. Drawn When I Was Bored. C:
Raelin666: Lol This Is Too Cute! How Did You Find This. Lol, I&Amp;Rsquo;M Glad It&Amp;Rsquo;S Still Liked Though :D
Xena, Diana, Meg, And Leah. And An Angry Bard. Drawn By Me
Just A Brittana Piggyback Ride. Cause San Got Hurt. Drawn By Me
Some Klaines And How I Draw Them.
Reblog If You Hear &Quot;Girlfriend&Quot; When Xena Says &Quot;Best Friend&Quot;
Gayerthanyou: Represent
Touristseason: Hahaha. Oh Shit.
Superforcewooster: I Fuckin’ Lol’d.
Brittana Leeaaappp. With A Rainbow. Lol Idk.
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