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The Horribly Slow Murderer with the Extremely Inefficient Weapon by Richard Gale.
(Via Hollywoodinpictures)
Amandus: Fuckyeahnebulas: Subcreation: Redpen: Butterfly Nebula Image - Photos: Hubble’s Newest Visions Of Space - Cnet News
Observando: Author: Meredith Lightfoot
Letsgobananas: Shykid:ratherbealive:via Youngstupidreckless
(Via Nerdinlove)
(Via Fuckyeahparamore)
(Via Observando)
Frenchmotel: Soupercool: Fuckyeahrandomstupidity: Wakocytosis: Nerdsarehott: Bizzeca: Ffffffffuuuuuuuuuuuu
Yearslater: Polaroid Color Camera (2) (By Littleisdrawing)
(Via Fuckyeahladygaga)
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