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cgabrielle: kreees: this is a pro ass picture of vegas (via lesliesaysrelax) What I call home <3 mayn i kinda wish i was old enough to actually enjoy vegas!! haha!
Yee So Today Emanon Had The Opportunity To Perform At Ceria In Downtown Ventura!And Guest Artist Mike Posner Was There!!! We Hung Out And Ate Some Bomb Ass Burgers And Some Hot Dogs!! And Mmm Yall Should Try Some Jarritos !!!!And Hector Taught Mike The
Hector &Amp;Amp; Mike Posner!
Yeeee More Photos From Ceria With Mike Posner!
Urrrgh I Want. But I Think Theyre Sold Out? But Its $250 And I Think There&Amp;Rsquo;S Only Like 200 Made!
Dielleclairese: Jsal: Xoxolovejg: Cutiepatootiex3: Heeeyitsclarissaaa: Romniccasasola: Everybodylovesaimee: Jennnybabee: Do You Understand Now? (Via Leslysaywaht, Kaylasmainsqueeze)
Heyrachelheeey: Waffleboat: Insertpicturehere: Ohlovia: Oh What The..?! (Via Blueasyoureyes) What The Hell? Omg! Scary ;P Anyone Wana Tell Me What It Is? Haha I Didnt See Anything
Heyrachelheeey: Mawwsfishstickz: Livetolove1234: Lovelyninaaa: Lololololololololol!!!!!!!!!!!!Xdd (Via Rainingteardrops)
Dielleclairese: Karenlikesjello: -Imnotgoingback: Lude-Jaw: Notwastingtimeagain: Justinbrighten-: Owlyouneedislove: Sleeeeeepyhead: Lauraa-: Shannonisafaggot: Thelegionnight: Tyramail:(Via Whitegirlswagger) Omg This Was My Favorite Show.
Guydigi: Iphone4 Vs Htc Evo “I Think I Need To Go Chop Off My Dick Now” Lmfao!!!
Marilyngrace: Dearmyrumblingtummy: Kaayalp: Omgjesswtf: Prettyfoods: Hamburgers &Amp;Amp; Fries: Buns - Cupcakespatty - Browniecondiments - Frostingfries - Sugar Cookies (By Bisousmonamour) Nom Nom Nom Nom! :3
Bribriouioui: Paaulrex: Markiedotmp3: Lol (Via Ohgeorgiaaa) Lmfao. His Face Just Loooks Funny! Hahha I Love Black People!
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