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kavos-plz: sorry Bolin didn’t mean to steal your thunder but I must insert Tahno into book 2.
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Distractedbyshinyobjects: Stfuconservatives: Unlockaflockofwords: Stfuconservatives: Scyphoz0A Submitted: I Just….What?? Because A Consenting Adult Is The Same As A Pizza.” —- I Feel Bad For Homophobes. It Must Be Really Hard To Go Through
Annavonsyfert: Self-Encouragement. Not Quite There Yet.
Mistytpednaem: Neutralizer: Iwhipmyfrobackandforth: Cat Gets Caught Barking By A Human And Resumes Meowing Hahhahahahahahahahahahahhahhahahhah Wat My Cat Barks When He’s Really Angry, I Swear 8|
Sktagg23: Melissasoup: Writeswrongs: Tony-Starked: Rabbleprochoice: Gynocraticgrrl: Tough Guise: Violence, Media &Amp;Amp; The Crisis In Masculinity With Ed. M, Ph.d Jackson Katz Same For Mass Shootings Which Are Almost Entirely Done By White Males.
Sktagg23: Eltigrechico: This Actually Makes Sense. People Go ‘Why Does God Let Bad Things Happen?’ Its Because While Some Poor Bastards Are Being Herded Into A Mass Grave Somewhere God Is Busy Making Sure Kathy In Dunghole, Wisconsin Has Exactly
Lawebloca: Vd
Didgeridooyouloveme: Caseyanthonyofficial: That Gazebo Is So Fucked Are You Sure Gazebo Is The Correct Word? Are You Sure?
A-Little: Tiger03Lily: Wrapyourlipsaroundmyname: Badgalfaashion: Brainy-Beauty: Inmytwistedfairytale: He Handed That Shit To Himmmmm Farrakhan Does Not Fear Man. Amen. Danm!! I Think This Make The 10Th Time Ive Reblogged This Amazing Yes.
Glamourweaver: Yvette Nicole Brown Wrote This Joke Based On Actual Experience With Directors Who Didn’t Want To Use The Word “Sassy” But 100% Wanted Her To Play It Sassier.
Kniterly: Videogamesmademegay: Dirtypeanut: Nate (Lara Croft Genderbend)By *Ulysses0302 “Lawrence Croft” In Fuller Glory Than The Original Post Ha!
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