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Please look at these pictures : this is friendship (and this is kind of blurry as well because of the amount of beer we drank that night)
Virginpablo: Laurence Anyways J'aimerais Assez Ne Voir Aucun Autre Film Aussi Bon Dans L'annéecomme Ça Celui-Là Restera Mon Préféré.
Reducing: Sexnoise: Me 24/7 Me Everyday
Ink Butter // Tattoo Inspiration : Martin Surowiec
Couchpepper: How Incredible-Looking Is This Little Sea Slug (Glaucus Atlanticus)?! It Is Incredibly Rare And Lives In South Africa, Australia And In Some Southern European Regions As Well. Sources: Wikipedia | Issak Saves The World
Quick Quickfreshly Pierced Septum
Qu'est Ce Qu'il Y A Tu Dis Rien ? Tu As Perdu Ta Langue ?
Geometrydaily: #370 Inertia – A New Minimal Geometric Composition Each Day
Theekillingmoon: Rebekah (By Thekillingmoon-)
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