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seraphically: woot!
So In 2012, When Each Time Zone Changes To 12/21, Does That Mean Everyone Dies Seperately? Because If That's The Case I'll Just Get On A Plane And Fly Around The World For A Few Hours Until Everyone's Done Dying, Then Come Back Down And Be The Only Person
Trickydown: Rockin’ And Rollin’ At Monkey Jungle - Miami, Florida (By What Makes The Pie Shops Tick?)
Yo Cada Vez Que Tengo Que Usar Corbata (T_T)
Yo Y Mi Amigo Y Eterno Rival (Owen (Goku) Andres G.(Vegetta)
Cupcakesblackandwhite: Like Father Like Son
Todos Contra Cell
Whatiamlookingfor: I Love You ♥
Geuryeoyopue: Danbo Vs Domo ヽ(O`皿′O)ノ
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