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Giroline: Cumberbangers: Iamshurlocked: Botanycameos: Khan Is Both Fashionable And Warmly Bundled Up For Winter.(Couldn’t Resist Doing This Manip Since In The Movie He Also Likes Heavy Coats And Thick Scarves.❤)(X) Bonus: ✿ Yes. Just, Yes.
Soldierjohn: Solving Cases Is For Babies. I Conclude If People Are Gay Or Not. That’s How I Roll. X
Johnlock Advent Fic - Day 5
Rominatrix: Martin Freeman Talks About The Norwegian Parody Oklahomo [X]
Duskybatfishgirl: Ladyavenal: Always Reblog. Always. It’s The Law You Said I Had To Reblog, So Here Goes !
Fuckyeahjohnlockfluff: Hi John_Sherlock Calling By Milwa-Cz Gorgeous !!!
Doublenegativemeansyes: &Amp;Ldquo;John… I, Need, It.&Amp;Rdquo; &Amp;Ldquo;You Are Doing Reeeally Well, Sherloock&Amp;Rdquo;
Johnlocklives: Wow That’s Incredible!!
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