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How many sleep-deprived nights start.
She Doesn’t Look Much Like Lucille Van Pelt. But I Think She Has The Same Tendency To Pull Away The Football At The Last Second.
Sure, You Will Endure The Ongoing Unfulfilled Desire. What Other Choice Do You Have?
So There.
Am I The Only Human Left On Earth Who Uses A Desktop Computer Instead Of A Notebook, Laptop, Tablet, Smart Phone, Smart Watch, Smart Glasses Or Some Other Tiny Thingie?
You Get Away Rather Lightly, Compared To The Fate Of The Slaves Of Sardanapalus.
Der Langsame Pfeil Der Schönheit. – Die Edelste Art Der Schönheit Ist Die, Welche Nicht Auf Einmal Hinreißt, Welche Nicht Stürmische Und Berauschende Angriffe Macht (Eine Solche Erweckt Leicht Ekel), Sondern Jene Langsam Einsickernde, Welche
Of Course You Wouldn’t Be Mad: Nobody Can Be Expected To Be Chaste For Such A Long Time. Except You.
My First Multiple-Captions-Caption.
The Other Question Is: Which Outcome Would You Prefer?
How Would You Reply?
I Think There Is A Flaw In Her Method. As Far As I’m Concerned, She Could Wear A Potato Sack, And I Would Still Signal.
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