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blue-voids: Guo Hongwei - The Dark Side - Fire #1, 2010 - oil on canvas
Siamouomini:in A Whisper, Or A Glancing Kiss, Even Just A Glance, Her Lips Hijacked His Thoughts And Ensnared Him With Perpetual Desire For &Amp;Hellip;Her Lips.
She Teased Him To The Brink Of Insanity, Careful To Ease Him Over The Edge With Tempting Delights That Filled His Every Waking Thought.
Is There Anything As Powerful As The Kiss Of Desire? It Can Both Arm And Disarm In A Moments Notice. It Can Send Even Most Clear Thoughts Into A Cloud Of Yearning So Powerful That The Brain Stops Telling The Body To Breathe, Instead Ordering It To &Amp;Hellip
Miss-B-Having-Deactivated202002:Oh But For A Kiss&Amp;Hellip;
It Keeps Calling!
She Was Craving Sin. How It Felt On Her Lips, On Her Tongue And Flushing Through Her Veins. She Had A Hunger Inside Her That Needed Satiating.
She Teased Him Incessantly Until All He Wanted To Think Of, Could Think Of, Would Think Of &Amp;Hellip;Was Her.
She Didn’t Have To Give Up Anything To Penetrate His Thoughts. She Was Classy With A Sense Of Humor, Both Comfortable And Sexy, Timeless And Yet So Very Fresh. It Was No Wonder He Was Totally Captivated.
Mega-Adam-Fan-Deactivated202003:Her Touch, Even If Ever So Slight, Set His Body Trembling With Pleasure, His Mind Soaring For More. She Penetrated His Thoughts With An Interminable Ache For More Of Her. Yet He Could Never Get Enough.
Intimement-Tienne: Le Désir Qui Se Dévoile
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