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She was an impressionist’s painting in the flesh, an enigma, dazzling the world with her myriad of dynamic colors.
Mega-Adam-Fan-Deactivated202003:They Needed To Kiss. It Was As Simple As That.
You Could See It In Her Eyes. She Felt It In Every Breath, As If Her Body Were Meeting Her Soul. It Was That Ache That Resided Deep Within Her, Buried Under The Layers She Yearned To Have Stripped. She Was Capable And Strong And Life Took Advantage.
Nuvole-Elenzuola: It Didn’t Matter Wherever He Was, She Was There, Stalking His Desire Like The Winsome Ghost She Was. So Real. So Intense. At Times He Could Almost Feel Her.
Etre-Aime: It Was As If She Infected Him With The Need To Kiss Her. She Was Like A Magnet To His Desires, Coaxing A Deep Needed Craving To Devour Any And Every Part Of Her.
That Hunger&Amp;Hellip;. Undeniable. Undying. Unavoidable.
Tryingnottocheat:is The A/C Set To A Ridiculously Low Temperature Today At Work???? Perhaps. She Took Advantage Of The Unusually Cold Morning To Go And Say Hello To Her Neighbor. Sure, She Knew He Would Notice. What She Didn’t Know Is What His Reaction
She Didn’t Mean To Pick A Bad Boy. Or Maybe She Did. She Just Didn’t Think He’d Be All That Interested In “An Older Broad” Like Her. She Smiled When She Told Him That. It Was Her Humility Speaking. He May Have Been Quite A Bit Younger Than She
How Does One Settle The Nerves When There Is So Much Internal Turmoil? He Was So Close And Yet So Very Far. She Sat There Wondering How To Bridge That Gap, Constantly Turning Over Each Scenario In Her Mind, Hoping It Would Just Happen. Yet That Ache Would
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